Honour Girl
When you honour yourself, your beauty thrives
Model: Trinity Fava
When you honour yourself, your beauty thrives
Model: Trinity Fava

Chilling Girl
The art of chilling
Model: Jules Fava
The art of chilling
Model: Jules Fava

Love You Right Back Girl
This birthday i awoke to all the love that is out there. To all who have let me in your life, thank you for your love and, love you right back
x Eliana
This birthday i awoke to all the love that is out there. To all who have let me in your life, thank you for your love and, love you right back
x Eliana

Inner Love Girl
When all is good inside, all is brilliant outside, have a brilliant day
When all is good inside, all is brilliant outside, have a brilliant day

Pot Girl
Sometimes it feels better in, sometimes it feels better out, I'm just going with what feels better
Sometimes it feels better in, sometimes it feels better out, I'm just going with what feels better

Tuning in Girl
Feeling good and tuning in
Model: Trinity Fava
Feeling good and tuning in
Model: Trinity Fava
So Good Girl
Feeling so good and sharing it with you
Models: Juliette Fava and Hillary Wright
Feeling so good and sharing it with you
Models: Juliette Fava and Hillary Wright

Within Girl
So much beauty within
Model: Trinity Fava
So much beauty within
Model: Trinity Fava

Feeling Girl
Feeling your music before any of your words
Model: Trinity Fava
Feeling your music before any of your words
Model: Trinity Fava

Endless love for my worthiness and well being
Model: Trinity Fava
Model: Trinity Fava
Life Cycle Girl
Life is exquisite throughout it's cycle (left and right panels)
Life is exquisite throughout it's cycle (left and right panels)

One Girl
Where ever I am, breathing in joy, breathing out joy, only seeking joy
Where ever I am, breathing in joy, breathing out joy, only seeking joy

Contrast Girl
My negative side is just as important as my positive side, as it tells me what I don't like as opposed to when I'm saying yes, yes, yes
My negative side is just as important as my positive side, as it tells me what I don't like as opposed to when I'm saying yes, yes, yes

Feeling High Girl III
Loving those moments of feeling and seeing the music
Loving those moments of feeling and seeing the music

Feelling High Girl II
High on me
High on me

Feeling High Girl I
Sometimes I feel so much fun, fullness and alive in that moment, it's huge
Sometimes I feel so much fun, fullness and alive in that moment, it's huge

See Me Girl
It doesn't matter how strong or fragile others see me, only how I see me
It doesn't matter how strong or fragile others see me, only how I see me

Moment Girl
When I connect, in that moment, I feel a rush of exhilaration
When I connect, in that moment, I feel a rush of exhilaration

Umbrella Girl
Loving the distractions and temptations but my journey is the best
Loving the distractions and temptations but my journey is the best

Old New Girl
Every part of life really is just right
Every part of life really is just right

Cloud Girl
I am grounded, but I so like to keep my head in the clouds too
I am grounded, but I so like to keep my head in the clouds too

Flow Girl
Just going with the flow
Just going with the flow

Mood Girl
Happy has many faces
Happy has many faces

Where ever Girl
Where ever I am, my beautiful thoughts are with me
Where ever I am, my beautiful thoughts are with me

Infinity Girl
Infinite peace and happiness to you
Infinite peace and happiness to you

Flying Girl
Imagination is everything, and now I am flying
Imagination is everything, and now I am flying

Appreciation Girl
Oxygen, food, protection, beauty, healing, peaceful, shad, comfort, so much to be thankful for, the tree
Oxygen, food, protection, beauty, healing, peaceful, shad, comfort, so much to be thankful for, the tree

Chill Girl
When I am confused or overwhelmed, it's a great time for me to chill, doing nothing is awesome too
When I am confused or overwhelmed, it's a great time for me to chill, doing nothing is awesome too

Imagination Girl
My imagination allows me to land in what ever happy place I want
My imagination allows me to land in what ever happy place I want

Every Day Girl
Every day I am liking myself more and loving my life unfold in front of me
Every day I am liking myself more and loving my life unfold in front of me

Nesting Girl
My mind is so important that I can see it, how ever way, I want to see it
My mind is so important that I can see it, how ever way, I want to see it

Christmas Love Tree Girl
For Christmas I only want to receive love, I only want to give love and for Christmas I only choose to see love , Happy Christmas love eliana
For Christmas I only want to receive love, I only want to give love and for Christmas I only choose to see love , Happy Christmas love eliana

Inner Girl
I am now tuning into my subtle innerness of support, guidance and dancing within me motioning me to greater heights
I am now tuning into my subtle innerness of support, guidance and dancing within me motioning me to greater heights

Blanket Girl
Wrapping myself in a warm blanket of appreciation and love as I am worthy of this
Wrapping myself in a warm blanket of appreciation and love as I am worthy of this

Expansion Girl
Every change and extension of me is a joy now or a joy to be revealed to me soon
Every change and extension of me is a joy now or a joy to be revealed to me soon

Butterfly Girl
When I look for amazing things in others, I start to see amazing things in me
When I look for amazing things in others, I start to see amazing things in me

Asian Girl
If I can imagine it, I can see it, if I can see it, I'm just about there
Model: Juliette Chae
If I can imagine it, I can see it, if I can see it, I'm just about there
Model: Juliette Chae

Statue Girl
I am much more than you see
Model: Trinity Etienne
I am much more than you see
Model: Trinity Etienne

Grass Girl
I am the only one in charge of my happiness, no one else is responsible for that
I am the only one in charge of my happiness, no one else is responsible for that

Sea Girl 5 Water Series 1
So important that I feel good, which leads to other good things flowing into my life
So important that I feel good, which leads to other good things flowing into my life

Sea Girl 4 Water Series 1
Time expands with so much detail when I am feeling complete
Time expands with so much detail when I am feeling complete

Sea Girl 3 Water Series 1
I am allowing myself more pleasure, greater appreciation and loving the alignment
Model: Juliette Chae
I am allowing myself more pleasure, greater appreciation and loving the alignment
Model: Juliette Chae

Sea Girl 2 Water Series 1
I'm going to be how I want it to be
Model: Juliette Chae
I'm going to be how I want it to be
Model: Juliette Chae

Sea Girl 1 Water Series 1
No matter what I do there are so many reasons to feel joy
Model: Juliette Chae
No matter what I do there are so many reasons to feel joy
Model: Juliette Chae

Choose Girl
I think I am going to go with what makes me happy, even it looks a little strange to others
I think I am going to go with what makes me happy, even it looks a little strange to others

Precision Girl
Without me really thinking about it, there is so much balance and precision in my life, I just love how it all comes together
Without me really thinking about it, there is so much balance and precision in my life, I just love how it all comes together

Pace Girl
I am constantly amazed how far I can go, when I am doing something I love
I am constantly amazed how far I can go, when I am doing something I love

Centred Girl
Once I am appreciative, comfortable, centred in who I am then I can feel all the beautiful love all around me
Once I am appreciative, comfortable, centred in who I am then I can feel all the beautiful love all around me

Act Girl
Sometimes a thought comes to me to act, and I should do so, because there must be something there for me
Sometimes a thought comes to me to act, and I should do so, because there must be something there for me

Flower Shower Girl
If I change to suit others, then I won't be happy and neither will they, if I change to suit me then I will be happy and it will filter to those around me too
If I change to suit others, then I won't be happy and neither will they, if I change to suit me then I will be happy and it will filter to those around me too

Front Girl
If I keep looking back on the good things in my life, I will miss out on how wonderful life is now and the big things ahead of me too (sunshine sparkle version)
If I keep looking back on the good things in my life, I will miss out on how wonderful life is now and the big things ahead of me too (sunshine sparkle version)

Front Girl
If I keep looking back on the good things in my life, I will miss out on how wonderful life is now and the big things ahead of me too
If I keep looking back on the good things in my life, I will miss out on how wonderful life is now and the big things ahead of me too

Moment Girl
Enjoying the steps of my now journey, rather than focussing on the destination as this is constantly changing
Enjoying the steps of my now journey, rather than focussing on the destination as this is constantly changing

Vibration Girl
Constantly culling the words and thoughts that I hold as the ones that define me
Constantly culling the words and thoughts that I hold as the ones that define me

Pulsating Girl
Manage the way you feel until you feel really, really good
Manage the way you feel until you feel really, really good

Realities Girl
There are many amazing realities for you, allow yourself to see them
There are many amazing realities for you, allow yourself to see them

Light Girl
Stay focused on your light, and don't be distracted with what others are doing with their light
Stay focused on your light, and don't be distracted with what others are doing with their light

Ease Girl
Seek out the ease in what you do, and this will feel right for you
Seek out the ease in what you do, and this will feel right for you

Hands Up Girl
Find the current of what you like, that's your path
Find the current of what you like, that's your path

Sketch Girl
I am constantly growing, learning, changing, becoming a better me
I am constantly growing, learning, changing, becoming a better me

Path Girl
Your path is not as important as the moment, that you are in, right now
Your path is not as important as the moment, that you are in, right now

Print Girl
We have our own distinctive print yet within our core we are all similar
We have our own distinctive print yet within our core we are all similar

Meditation Girl
For a good time, Be into your Happy Thoughts
For a good time, Be into your Happy Thoughts

Mother Girl
Mother to each other, mother to animals, mother to nature, mother to all life, Happy Mother's Day
Mother to each other, mother to animals, mother to nature, mother to all life, Happy Mother's Day

Connect Girl
Don't think, just feel your way
Don't think, just feel your way

Joy Girl
Thinking about the small things that are going so well, makes you realise how great your life really is
Thinking about the small things that are going so well, makes you realise how great your life really is

Thoughts Girl
Your thoughts and words tell who you are, choose them because they make you happy
Your thoughts and words tell who you are, choose them because they make you happy

Bird Girl
Now is always the best time for you, if you're not sure maybe change your focus
Now is always the best time for you, if you're not sure maybe change your focus

Happy Girl
Happiness is seeing, feeling and living it
Happiness is seeing, feeling and living it

Birthday Girl
May magical moments and all your wishes come true for your birthday
May magical moments and all your wishes come true for your birthday

Water Tree Girl
When you feel good, everything around you seems wonderful
When you feel good, everything around you seems wonderful

Green Plant Girl
Funny how simple things can lift us with happiness
Funny how simple things can lift us with happiness

Island Girl
We are all magnificent islands that have our environment to thank
We are all magnificent islands that have our environment to thank

Lion Girl
Tune into your instinct for something amazing
Tune into your instinct for something amazing

Art Girl
There are moments when you feel one with art
There are moments when you feel one with art

Bowing Girl
Bowing to the universe for now i know that when i care for me, i start to realise to care and love everything around me
Bowing to the universe for now i know that when i care for me, i start to realise to care and love everything around me

Reach Girl
See it, reach it
See it, reach it

Christmas Girl
And so this is Christmas
And so this is Christmas

Dress Girl
Soft, sensual, spiritual, strong and successful all in the same moment
Soft, sensual, spiritual, strong and successful all in the same moment

Time Girl
Everything is telling you to rush, but it's your time, your beautiful time
Everything is telling you to rush, but it's your time, your beautiful time

Tortured with Indecision Girl
When your voice to believe gets louder than you voice of doubt
When your voice to believe gets louder than you voice of doubt

Fearless Girl
Forget safety. Live where you fear to live
- Rumi
Forget safety. Live where you fear to live
- Rumi

Go Girl
Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love - Rumi
Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love - Rumi

Book Girl
Books, a great read
Books, a great read

Orange Girl
Oranges, like eating sunshine
Oranges, like eating sunshine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elianafineart
Instagram: elianafineart
Instagram: elianaimages
Linkedin: Eliana Photography
Instagram: elianafineart
Instagram: elianaimages
Linkedin: Eliana Photography